

Fatty streaks and atherosclerotic plaques

  • a fatty streak in an arterial endothelial lining, and
  • an atherosclerotic plaque

can be found in the University of Western Ontario 'Virtual Slide Box'.


Coronary artery atherosclerosis and thrombosis - case discussion with a virtual slide at the University of Leeds virtual pathology site.


Atherosclerotic aortic aneurysm and its consequences - a case discussion with a virtual slide at the University of Leeds virtual pathology site.


Myocardial infarction


Normal histology - left and right ventricles (virtual slide at the online Histology Guide).


Acute myocardial infarction with a virtual slide available at the University of Western Ontario 'Virtual Slide Box'.

Acute myocardial infarction virtual slide at the National Library of Medicine (USA) (see link below).

Established acute infarction (of some days' duration) - case discussion with a virtual slide available at the University of Leeds virtual pathology site.

Healing myocardial infarction (probably of weeks' duration), and well-healed myocardial infarction (probably of some months' duration) with a virtual slide available at the University of Western Ontario 'Virtual Slide Box'.

Hypertensive heart disease


Hypertensive heart disease - with perivascular fibrosis - virtual slide available at the Indiana University School of Medicine 'Virtual Microscopy' site.



Fibrinous pericarditis (in a setting of uraemia) virtual microscope slide available at the University of Western Ontario 'Virtual Slide Box'.



Acute bacterial endocarditis virtual microscope slide available at the University of Western Ontario 'virtual slide box'.

Endocarditis virtual slide available via the Indiana University School of Medicine.

See a virtual slide of a normal cardiac valve (aortic valve) at the Histology Guide virtual slide box.

Atrial thrombosis


Mural thromus virtual microscopy slide available at Indiana University School of Medicine (pathology of the heart section).

Mural thrombus microscopic images available at Pathology Education Instructional Resource - PEIR.

Cardiac conduction system


 Sino-atrial (SA) node  (via

Atrio-ventricular (AV) node (via and a virtual slide.

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